What to do at home?

What to do with young children? They are like sponges observing all that is around them. They are learning all the time. You can enhance their learning environment with fun, safe, and appropriate learning experiences. You are your child's first and most important teacher. Now go out there and have FUN!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Find yellow

Fun game to play with Ones and Twos-with supervision.  Adult and toddler are finding yellow bears to put onto yellow circle.  Do not expect child to get it correct.  Adult will choose and say yellow.  Adult continues to add yellow saying yellow each time.  Eventually child will want to add a bear too-if it is blue-just state the fact that child has a blue bear-set it outside the yellow circle.  Give child a yellow bear-say yellow.  This activity will not last long-when child is done put away.  If child is frustrated-put away to try another day.  Use only one color for awhile. Child loves playing with you so be positive.  Matching is a preschool skill.

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