What to do at home?

What to do with young children? They are like sponges observing all that is around them. They are learning all the time. You can enhance their learning environment with fun, safe, and appropriate learning experiences. You are your child's first and most important teacher. Now go out there and have FUN!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Even young children can use crayons or pencils-with supervision.  Do not correct a child of 1 or 2 with pencil grip or make them choose a hand.  This child will use right or left but prefers right.  Attention spans are short so when child is done-put stuff away.  I used shaped paper for Valentine's Day.  I did not choose colors or where child drew her picture.  Young children care more about the process than the product.  However when she was done-Dad and Mom had something for the refridge that was hers.  Think simple. 

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