What to do at home?

What to do with young children? They are like sponges observing all that is around them. They are learning all the time. You can enhance their learning environment with fun, safe, and appropriate learning experiences. You are your child's first and most important teacher. Now go out there and have FUN!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Tearing paper

This is a wonderful activity to build fine motor skills which build to writing skills later.  Just give a one/two year old magazines or paper and let them rip away with adult supervision to ensure child does not eat paper.  Wash child up when child has decided that he has had enough.  The next day or so you can follow up with other extension activities such as ripping different texture papers or taking ripped pieces from another day and child can stick them onto the sticky side of contact paper.  Just watch out for your paper after showing young child this activity.